Monday 11 April 2011

Science & Reason - Video Art by Pipilotti Rist

The scientific revolution was the was when new ideas in physics, astronomy etc. become more rejected in Ancient Greece and then the Middle Ages. The revolution began in Europe towards the end of the renassiance and carried on into the 18th century. The scientific revolution changed the thoughts and views on the European as there were closer studies and experementation within science.The scientific discoveries during the 16th-17th century made change in the ways that Europens viewed the natural world.

Scientific Evolution can still be seen in todays society. We have many problems with facts and thoughts. We have people that believe in science and facts and then you have people who want to believe what they think other then looking at stats of certain things. Food is a certain problem in todays soceity. Healthy foods are meant to be healthy but in certain tests and data it is proven that grains are unhealthy. We have testers and scientists who say they are unhealthy and then you have people that promote nuts, grains and rice etc. and say its healthy. This confuses society and shows two sides to a story. Scientists test food and prove different stories. 

Artwork created by using media has an advantage as it can be merged, copied , pasted etc. Artwork by hand is alot more sesnsitive as it cannot be copied more then once unless it is done in a repeatedly. Media work such as video making and photoshop adds more emphasis on what an artist can do and how they can edit and crop things for images and make video clips look alot more appealing to an audience. You have man aspects of audiences, you have people who love delicate and gorgeous art such as paintings and sculpture work but then you have people who love moving images and edited and morphed photos. I believe artwork that is created by new technology and media is more likely to catch the eye of a viewer and shows how modern technology is taking over todays genre of art.

Pipilotti's work is amazing as her art is really relaxed and gives the viewer a sense of relaxation and shows alot of depth, she uses alot of colour which is eye-catching. Her artwork is about sexualtiy, the body , and how genders are seen through someone elses prespective. She merges music and artwork together and makes a great combination as seen in this youtube video , as you can see the audience is enjoying her moving image and seem to be calm and relaxed as her moving images sets the mood.

'Ever Is Over All' is a video of a young woman smashing windows whilst she is walking down a street with a hammer type item in the form of a flower. It merges two videos together creating a mysterious thought from the viewer thinking 'why on earth is she walking down a street smashing car windows'. This makes the viewer think into alot more depth and gives the impression that she may be depressed or she could even be happy. The two moving images contrast well as you have her smashing windows and then on the right side a moving image of flowers and alot of colour. The soft and delicate music also adds alot more mystery to the fact that it goes with the moving image of the flowers and then a loud 'smash' noise haults the moving image and then carries on like normal. Her work would show the audience the depth of contrast in this moving image by contrasting a mad woman with a valley of beautiful flowers.

Her actions could be reasonable or unreasonable. She has a smile on her face whilst doing the deed and she is then greeted and smiled to by a police officer. In todays society, if she was doing this she would be arrested and not 'smiled to' by a police officer , instead meeting a pair of handcuffs. So I believe it is unreasonable but it is artwork and artwork is mysterious in many ways. This would be seen as humourous but it is art and art is seen through many emotions.

Kennedy, Randy (November 15, 2009). "Electric Lemon Girl Power Video Revolt". New York: The New York Times Magazine.

The artwork as described before I believe shows different emotions, as she is a young pretty woman and looks very delicate and doing the motion of a mad woman contrasts two seperate emotions such as anger and happiness. The flowers represent happiness and the motion of smashing a window shows anger and hatrid. The young lady is showing and contrasting the emotions as all people have different emotions. She looks happy but deep down the window smashing represents anger as mentioned above. This is one of the key ideas in the piece of art and can relate to alot of viewers as everyone tends to get angry and then happy. That is the conclusion I have come to.


  1. I think it is clever the comparison you have made with the scientific revolution in todays society, with the evil promotion of 'healthy' foods in society today.
    I 100% agree with your comment 'I believe artwork that is created by new technology and media is more likely to catch the eye of a viewer and shows how modern technology is taking over todays genre of art' as this is potentially my favourite field of creating things. I think there are endless possibilites with it and it is funner and has more possibilitys. However i still respect and admir epaintings and older works. I too admire Pipilotti's work for the colour and interesting aspects of it, with in the movement and gender perspectives incorporated in the videos.
    I too believe that Pipilotti's work leves the viewer with somthing to think about after they have seen the work, i think that art should mostly always leave an impression in the viewers thoughts or mind - to influence or change their views and perspectives on certain things. i like how you have siad 'artwork is mysterious in many ways' and agree with this and also believe it can be interpreted depending on the viewers life, influences, mood etc.

  2. I agree that 'we have people that believe in science and facts and then you have people who want to believe what they think other then looking at stats of certain things.' Those are the two types of people present in society today with two very different perspectives. Pipilotti's work lets of a calm sensation and relaxes the viewer with the depth present in her pieces. Her artworks are genius as it has the ability to set a mood in a large audience. Media such as photoshop and videos create a modern appeal to artworks today and make them stand out from previous works from during the enlightenment.

  3. i feel that pipilotti leaves us thinking about her work because of her use of contrast between the smashing of the cars and the flowers. the way she left me thinking about it was weird beacuse i didnt really understand what she was trying to portray in her work but her ability to set a mood in this work is great. the music and the use of slow motion really really does set the mood.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like how you describe Rist's work in great detail and talk about how it gives the viewer a sense of relaxation and shows alot of depth, and how she uses alot of colour which is eye-catching. and also how you mention her artwork is about sexualtiy, the body , and how genders are seen through someone elses perspective. Also I like how you discussed how creating art through media has its advantages like how it can be merged, copied , pasted etc.
