Saturday 7 May 2011

Industrialisation & Cao Fei's RMB City

The Industrial Revolution was from the 18th to the 19th century. Changes were made in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. It began in the United Kingdom then spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The Industrial Revolution made turning point in human history. Nearly every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way.

The matter in this piece of work seems very busy as there are alot of items in there. It expresses all man made technology aswell. The people and the animal look alikes are painted with alot of passion and emphasis and also shows the motion of them also. The buildings are slightly tipped and look as if they are arranged in where they are suppose to sit which makes it alot more decent and effective. This piece of art is very effective and would catch someone eye from a distance and it brings different forms together. The celebration of machines and movement is definitley shown in here also. The use of colours are also very in there as it blends in modern colours and technology.

The main subjectof the painting is a little black dog , I think being pulled along by a male. The motion of the dog and the male seem to be blurred as they are in motion. Motion seems to play a big role in this image as it makes the viewer connect and see what is going on. I could not see the celebration of machines or movement, but the movement sector of the image was in there and could be expressed through motion. By making the motion being seen by blurring the legs of the characters and influencing the audience to believe that they are actually moving.

RMB city is virtual city built by China Tracy in the virtual reality role-playing game Second Life. It has many modern structures in it. China was the main aspect of this piece of art due to the recent urban and cultural explosion, maybe western culture replacing communism in an overly excited ejaculation of pent-up wild colours and shapes.

A Utopia is an imaginary society that has perfect socio-political structure, and is basically a vision of an idealized, perfect place to live. A Dystopia is that imaginary society gone bad, sometime in the future. And it has usually gone bad because of the efforts made to create a Utopia. RMB City is a good example of this. It looks like it could be either of one. It looks like it could be some kind of city in the future that was created with the idea of trying to create the perfect structure by making everything super awesome.

RMB CIty and the two paintings look nothing alike what so ever, even though they are total opposites they hold a few things in common. The use of colour in both images are very similar, in RMB City their is various different colours and shades to make it very outstanding and effective. The City Rises holds alot of colour aswell making it stand out and also have the whole celebration of movement within image makes it a whole. The two paintings look very 2D as in RMB City looks very 3D and making it alot more appealing to the society of today.


  1. The industrial revolution did make a huge effect and had created changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. The piece of art work you are talking about does show many aspects and does look very busy as how they are placed into the center, also that every piece of item that has been painted on are all very well detailed. I do agree with you when you mentioned about UTOPIA and how the world we live in is meant to have the image or thought of UTOPIA, but instead it is the opposite of utopia with all the technology and changes the world has made causing us people to work even harder just to keep things moving on as normal as it can. The RMB city and the paintings both do give out a very different feeling but once you look at it closely and realise more about the actuall meaning you will see that they do have a few things in common.

  2. In your last comment about the works that you have talked about, I agree on the idea that the works look nothing alike from the 2D to 3D works but still have things in common. I find your comment on the similarities on colour and I found that interesting as I didnt think of that when finding the similarities between the works, but yes bright colours does give out the idea of a celebration. Another similarity to the works is that they all show the same idea of motion, though created in different ways such as being still to literal movement within a 3D work such as the RMG city. In the paintings we are also able to see the difference in the amount of details used. In the 3D work, it is greatly detailed as it is very busy and contains a large ammount of subject matter, whilst the paintings are not as detailed but have more of a stylistic form on present the idea of motion.

  3. yes I agree with you "The two paintings look very 2D as in RMB City looks very 3D and making it alot more appealing to the society of today"

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  5. I found it hard to find the idea of the machine in motion for the piece "Dynamism of a dog on a Leash" after researching i found it more to be a metaphor and representation of the idea of moving forward in society from the illusion of movement in the artwork. I think from the three pieces of work Cao lei's RMB city is the most obvious and clear of the idea of machine in movement most likely due to the 3d effects and being able to see it from different angles. i do think there is more in common of the the two canvas's and RMB city though not so much in the appearance but definitly a lot in the ideas brought accross through the machine in motion and the rise of the machine all celebrating a Utopia which is what is desired although we know that the rise of machine does not make the world a Utopia but more so a Dystopia.

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  7. I agree that every aspect of life was affected due to this. i also agree that the paintings look 2d as oppose to RMB looking quite 3d which makes it stand out more and be more dominant among them all. Umberto Boccioni's The City Rises' is very busy as it is trying to place together alot of things in one piece. Without a doubt it is definitely also a very colourful and vibrant piece. The bright colours create excitement and create the idea of a celebration as you said. Giacomo Bala on the other hand is trying to convey the idea of movement with the piece 'Dynamism of Dog on a Leash'.

  8. I'd have to disagree both the modernist paintings and contemporary digital work have many similarities. Aside from colour which is the most obvious.Both works show movement and how the change in society has effected the artist works and how they have changed the process and outcome of how their art work was formed. There is a discussion of industrialisation and urbanisation from the expansions of structures, housing complexes in Cao Fei's RMB City to the factories in the background of the The City Rises and the new techniques and capturing movement in Balla's work. Besides the look, I think it is the meaning that links them together.

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  10. i found your blog quiet interesting and enjoyable ,it is well set out and clear easy to understand and to relate to . i agree with you with the fact that the industrial revolution made a turning point in human history and that nearly every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. what i didn't know and found interesting was utopia and how it is an imaginary society that has perfect socio-political structure, and is basically a vision of an idealized, perfect place to live and a dystopia is that imaginary society gone bad .

  11. Overall, I found this Blog entry easy to follow and clear. one of the things I found interesting was how you brought up the similarities in colour use between the digital 3d work and the 2d paintings. I don't think most people would notice how the use of colour is quite similar in all the works, however now that I am thinking about it, it is noticeable. I agree with the point you made about how the painting of the dog on a leash is maybe looking at showing motion in still images.

  12. cao feis work is very amusing and different because of his unique way of creating RMB city. i found it interesting that this digitally created world can be classed as art. in my view this idea is similar to the idea of UTOPIA and how the idea is to create a perfect world. the industrial revolution and how the birth of tecnology can relate to these ideas and how it all started. i find it interesting how we've come along way since the industrial revolution started to how the world is today.
