Saturday 13 August 2011

Hussein Chalayan

Personally I believe that the works Afterwords (2000) and Burka (1996) is most likely to be art rather then fashion because fashion is a design created by a designer to display to the world and also to create clothing for everyday use. In this art you have topless models and also revealing their crotch areas. You wouldnt usually see this on a runway or in a magazine collection as it is really revealing and is more of a form of art, art usually has a meaning and story behind it and tells the viewer what they are trying to portray. The fashion industry would not create something like this to be completely honest. Instead of covering the body, its reveals whats underneath.

I do not think that his work changes the meaning of art due to advertising. Art and advertising are two completely different things but they send out the same message but to a different audience. 'The Level Tunnel' enhances the viewers view by making them feel as if they are in the art and see how it was formed and how it became what it is, and can experience the message of the ad. This work combines two different genres of art and advertisement, and giving the viewer a full on view experience. Viewers and consumers can see how it is alot different to normal advertisements.

Post modern art is a clear example for something Chalayan might of been influenced by. The film he created shows and generates post modernity and shows new ways of collecting DNA and collecting research which is compeltely different. His work is bringing technology into todays society and showing how technology and machinery are making life alot easier.

Chalayan's film 'Absent Presence'screened at the 2005 Venice Biennale

I personally think when art began the importance of an artist perosnally designing and creating their own artwork has been there from start to finish. When an artists creates art it represents them and shows what sort of power they possess and what work they are able to create. Some/barely anyone can notice if the art work was copied or replicated as many people have idols and people they look uptoo and take certain aspects and make it into their own. I believe that it is not a big issue but some people may have issues with it but it really depends on the situation and how far certain artists take it to, if someone did notice the replica or repeated something someone else did, the original will be noticed alot more.

- Hussein Chalayan


  1. i agree with what you have mention about the work Afterwords and Burka created by Hussein Chalayan; these work does seem to be more of an art, more than the fashion category, since revealing too much of what is underneath the clothes are always a "ban" when it comes to publicity, people will easily get disturbed by these images, specially if they were printed onto magazines, all ages people will be able to have a glance through it, which is not a very good idea, specially to the young ones. But he is a really talented artist, just by looking at his beautiful piece of table dress.

  2. Hussein Chalayan is a very broad and complex collection aspecialy in the "Burka" of ideas the designer is trying to portray, i agree that the work is more about art then fashion though i feel that it is still fashion because Hussien has created there own trend rather then following the trend and also some garments are wearable.
