Saturday 13 August 2011

Kehinde Wiley and Intertextuality

"thewhole network of relations, conventions, and expectations by which the text is defined; the relationship between texts"
-Dictionary, (n.d.), retreieved August 13 2011, from

Intertexuality is when someoine views a piece of artwork and they then relate it to something more closer to home and then understand it alot more due to you already having the knowledge about the artwork. Many artists are familiar with this way of understanding and many people relaise that new artists have the same understanding of past art as we do in todays society.

Wiley is know highly for his hghly naturalistic paintings of contemporary urban african, african-american and afro-brazilian men in heroic poses. His work is of many men he sees on the street and decides to display them in a heroic manner. He wants to paint black men and to give them power, by doing this he boldly is reclaiming history and displaying equal rights. His work displays historical ideas and brings it into todays society. Theirposes connote power and spiritual awakening. Wiley’s portrayal of masculinity is filtered through these poses of power and spirituality. His work seems to contrast well as you have an american gansgster posing like a hero, combining the two different scenarios making them contrast and stand out as a piece of art.

Wiley’s work relates to pluralism because during moternity european people were top class and in Wiley's work it consists of black males, which were low class during that era. The fact they the are diverse and in todays society we are all equal. His work shows the worlds culture and how it has changed over the years, we are all one and all the same. Wiley is an artist that displays pluralism and the concepts it holds.

Wiley's work aims at social and cultural contextshaving people going and judging people by the colour os our skin and how the 'white' man is the most powerful being on earth and by having the 'black' man being the lowest standard in the human chain. He wants his message to come across and to show that the colour of your skin does not matter, you do not to be 'white' to have the top paying job in the worl, you dont need to be 'white' to be able to travel first class. He faces all stereotypical people and makes them realise that the world we now live on dosent go by the colour of your skin but by who you are in the world. The world is multi-cultural and there are not just black and whites in the world we have asians, indians, arabic people aswell and alot more, even combined cultures in one. Wiley's work should be well noticed around the world and to end all remaining thoughts on sterotyping. We are all one and all at the same level "EQUAL"!

I completely love Wiley's work as it creates and enhances the cultures of the world, his work may only be of black males but the message behind his work shows alot more of an artist he is and how it makes him who he is and how many of us viewers appreciate the support for the black community. The colour scheme is very post modern as the colours are very bright and the backgrounds also. His work gets his audeiences thinking twice and having them take a second and sometimes second look on his message. His ideas and concepts are very bold and he knows how to make statements.
ALVC Workbook (n.d.) pages 42-43


  1. I totally agree that Wiley's work enhances the culture of the world.I finally understand the meaning behind the images.I like the way when he say about multiple-society and the fact that they are all equal.

    I really enjoy his painting because he used the renaissance painting way and combined them into modernism painting ,with the floral pattern and beautiful old age wallpaper.It represent wealths in 17th -18th centuries.I like the way how he combines images of power and spirituality,with the perfect contrast.

  2. You are right in saying that during modernity it was the Europeans who were upper classed and it people that had brown skin who were considered to be of a lower standard. Wiley’s work reminds us of the post-modern world we live in today and the belief of how we are all equal despite the differences in skin colour.

    I also agree that even though most of Wiley’s works portray a black man, the message behind these pieces convey something quiet deep and meaningful. He does such an amazing job of reminding us all what we sometimes forget which is the fact that we all are equal. He through his pieces discusses an issue which many are too afraid to speak up about.

  3. I certainly do agree with you that Intertextuality does mean that someone takes a piece of art that they look up to or appreciate and they then change it or re design it so that it shows relation to themselves and not to the original artwork itself. I appreciate the way that wiley has taken these black african men and made them look so heroic and powerful even natural footballers in one of his artwork, they are not holding weapons or showing any signs of offence they are just wearing football uniforms but yet they look so strong and i think the way he has portrayed his culture and people really earns him alot of respect.

  4. "boldly is reclaiming history and displaying equal rights". In my blog I talked about the untold story of the black man from the 14th to 18th century. The fusion of the traditional portraiture and historyI believe has bought back unity between black and white. The works have been beautifully painted which is the link back to old master paintings. The vibrancy of the backgrounds link to French Rococo. The realism in the subject matter, these people he has depicted are genuine which is what differs from the renaissance paintings. They aren't trying to be someone they are not.

  5. ' i love Kehinde Wiley works as it interests me quite a lot and is one of my favorite artist that i have researched i feel that his works puts a shut down on racism and becomes equal. and the use of intersexuality of using late renaissance techniques that where use for high class people and then taking that concept and using it for low class or what is considered as low class black people.
